El 27 de febrero a las 18 h se llevará a cabo en el ciclo de charlas de la Cátedra SAMCA de Nanotecnología “Thursday´s NanoSpin-off Talks”, la charla «Distinkt: Smart inks to combat counterfeiting»

En esta ocasión la sesión se va a desarrollar en la Sala de Conferencias del Edificio I+D del campus Rio Ebro, de la Universidad de Zaragoza.


También se emitirá en directo vía ZOOM:


ID de reunión: 971 6186 0596

Código de acceso: samca


Distinkt provides unique product authentication solutions in the high security and consumer markets utilizing patented nanoparticles that generate fluorescence and/or color changes with light. Through these irreplicable visual effects we are protecting our customers, their brands and consumers. Our technology is a university spinout resulting from nearly 5 years of R&D from the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. This talk focuses on the journey from science that begins in the laboratory to what will become a new generation of security inks on the market.