INBRAIN Neuroelectronics
El 25 de mayo se llevará a cabo en el ciclo de charlas de la Cátedra SAMCA de Nanotecnología “Thursday´s NanoSpin-off Talks”, la charla “INBRAIN Neuroelectronics: decoding brain signals into medical solutions.”

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ID de reunión: 967 3247 3208
Código de acceso: samca
INBRAIN Neuroelectronics is a new platform company at the intersection of Medtech, Deeptech and Digital Health dedicated to the development of neuroelectronic therapies through graphene-based high-resolution intelligent neural interfaces, with unprecedented stimulation and recording capabilities for the treatment of neurological-based disorders. INBRAIN’s graphene-based neural interfaces allow spatially selective activation of target circuits as well as recording of low and high frequency signals that contains disease biomarkers. Such outstanding features pave the way towards the detection of therapy-specific biomarkers, increasing outcomes of adaptive and personalized neuromodulation therapies. Graphene is the thinnest carbon material known, only a single atom thick, and at the same time very strong, 200-300 times stronger than steel. On top of that is an excellent electrical conductor and has interesting light absorption abilities.